I had thought about “Survival” as the topic for my presentation but I had never thought that I was going to explore the topic from this point of view: tribal peoples struggling to survive. It was when I googled the word that I found “Survival”, the International Organization for Tribal Peoples, that I started reading and reading and I realized this issue deserved to be dealt with.
The first thing I was shocked by, was the number of indigenous that lives in our planet. About 150 millions across the world and in 60 different countries. Of course this is a minority in relation to the world population but I used to think about indigenous people as a minority of hundreds, never of millions.
Another factor that I found really interesting was that “they” and “we” are affected by the same things: deforestation, pollution. All these things are destroying the places tribal peoples dwell in and as a result, these people are being displaced. But, if we stop to think, that is exactly the same that is happening to our planet, I mean, we live in the same planet and we are all well aware of global warming, pollution, etc and their negative consequences on the biodiversity, soil, environment. Of course, as I mentioned in my presentation everything that is done is done in the mane of progress and is disguised as positive and prosperous.
They are different in the same way you are different from you neighbour: you wear different clothes, listen to different music, have different lifestyles, have different tastes but tribal peoples and you are both human beings, something that goes beyond those differences that I previously mentioned. So, their rights should be respected in the same way your rights should be. It is not fair that they need to be continuously struggling to survive in a world that belongs to them in the same way that it belongs to you. Besides, they were the first to be here, weren’t they?
Here I leave you the link to the Survival webpage. I hope you enjoy it. It is really interesting.